07.12.2024 – 18.01.2025
Profile Foundation
Franciszkańska 6, 00-214 Warsaw
12 noon–7 p.m.
Natalia Brandt, Tomasz Ciecierski, Andrzej Dłużniewski, Jarosław Kozłowski Zbigniew Libera, Józef Robakowski, Teresa Tyszkiewicz, Ryszard Waśko Krzysztof Wodiczko.
The art show includes works by artists from different generations and referring to different traditions, who in their artistic practices often worked through different threads and topics in entire series of works.

Jarosław Kozłowski
In works from the monumental series Recycled News 2 (2006–2015), Jarosław Kozłowski never ceases to provoke questions about the limits of medialisation of contemporary experience and about the media themselves, the credibility of which he questions in advance, meticulously painting over entire pages of multilingual newspapers.
Jarosław Kozłowski,
frome the Recycled News II,series
(Gazeta Wyborcza), 2006 watercolor on newspaper, 49 x 65 cm

Andrzej Dłużniewski
In several series, Andrzej Dłużniewski changed radically the concept of the image, which was usually absent from these works. In the abstract, simplified forms of Iconograms (1973–1974), he subjected the frames of non-existent images to geometrical layouts.
Andrzej Dłużniewski, from the Iconograms series, 1975
ink, paper, 33 x 49 cm

Tomasz Ciecierski
In the collages from the series Dedications (2012–2022), Tomasz Ciecierski offered access to his artistic fascinations. Dedicated to the classics of modernism, avant-garde image-brakers or the artist's favourite painters, they are a kind of guide to his private art history.
Tomasz Ciecierski,from the Dedications series, Piet Mondrian, 2021
collage, 31 x 23 cm

Zbigniew Libera
In the series Yes, this is what you think it is (2017), Zbigniew Libera shows the possibilities of manipulating the photographic message and fabricating visual messages that bear the hallmarks of truth. In directed stagings, the artist balances on the border between journalistic truth and film fiction.
Zbigniew Libera, from the Yes, this is what you think it is series nr 040, 2017, gelatin-silver print, paper, 38,3 x 56 cm

Józef Robakowski
Józef Robakowski in the photographic series Cinema is power! (1984–1985) ironized the subject of ideological fantasies in grotesquely heroic gestures performed to the camera using props significant for the times of the Polish People's Republic, such as a brick or a loaf of bread.
Józef Robakowski, from the Cinema is power!series,1984-1985, vintage print, 19,5 x 25 cm

Teresa Tyszkiewicz
Calendar (2000) by Teresa Tyszkiewicz, a series of works on paper, was a recording of herself and time. Each January day of 2000 had its visual registration in writing with one, repeating word ѐpingle (French pin) and a page torn from a calendar pinned in the middle.
Teresa Tyszkiewicz, from the Calendar series, 2000
pins, 3D paint, paint, paper, 29,5 x 20 cm

Natalia Brandt
In works from the series Hidden Relationships of Things (2017), Natalia Brandt constructs a kind of "visual aphorisms" from a tangle of forms, shapes and words that perversely complement them. The overlapping layers of mixed punctuation marks, letters, numbers create narrative structures full of humour and references to the history of art.
Natalia Brandfrom the Hidden Connections Among Thing series Not so Socio-Cultural, 2017 collage, 30 x 40 cm

Krzysztof Wodiczko
The photographs from the series Vehicle (1973) show Krzysztof Wodiczko testing his first vehicle on the streets of Warsaw, an ironic metaphor for liberal enslavement in the 1970s. The photographs are a record of one of the first actions in public space and bringing art to the streets.
Krzysztof Wodiczko, Vehicle, 1973
gelatin silver print, paper
26,7 x 26,7 cm

Ryszard Waśko
Ryszard Waśko's editorial work
Model "A-B-C-D-E-F=1-36" (1974) is a record of his laboratory practices in the synchronisation of image and sound. It shows a board with 36 fields constructed for a film in which the artist changed the frequency of sound assigned to individual fields by moving the camera.
Ryszard Waśko, Model „A-B-C-D-E-F = 1-36“, 1974 / 2022
photography, 29 x 29 cm