Bilingual publicatio
Publication year: 2011
Pages: 108
Price:30 20 zł
The catalogue presents the works of Alicja Karska and Aleksandra Went from years 2006-2011. Their films and photographs suggest us the images which, although seen for the first time, seem familiar, because they send us to the memory of other images.
Often, in the works of Karska and Went, those objects gain in importance whose time, it seems, has passed. The artists prefer to move on the fringes of big urban conglomerations; their interest driven by that which in the city’s consciousness is pushed into oblivion. Old-fashioned architecture, dilapidated, falling-into-ruin buildings, abandoned places which are simultaneously the antithesis of anonymous non-places offering standardised experience. Places that we see in their photographs and films, appeal by way of the unique charm of irrevocably passing away.