
Guidelines. Lines Abstracted from Art and Propaganda

Campus Gallery, University of Guelph, Ontario, 1977

Guidelines was a viewer-operated projection enabled by the use of a keyboard. Equipment:
four standard Kodak slide-projectors and four remote control units assembled together as one keyboard.


A Space Gallery, Toronto, 1977

A viewer-operated slide projection.


Hal Bromm Gallery, Nowy Jork, 1978
(Three slide projectors, 180 slides, tape on wall)

The exhibition has a didactic nature.
Three slide projections imply the images of art and propaganda.
The procedure of reorienting the lines and directions inherent in the images to vertical and horizontal positions has the aim of exposing their guiding principles.
The additional procedure of shifting the angle of the projections has been utilized to demonstrate the “sophistication” and “grace” of the presented material.
The decision to juxtapose images of both art and propaganda is the result of an “artistic” character of propaganda images and “propagandistic” character of art images.
Horizontal and vertical lines drawn on the walls only assist in the process of reading the projections.
The application of an original slide and its reversal is to be understood as an attempt to express a rhetorical and “gestural” quality of the pictures.

Krzysztof Wodiczko