video: 44’42” 

Alicja Karska and Aleksandra Went’s videos and photographs offer images that trigger the memory of other images. In their latest video project, Delay (2010), almost the entire frame is filled with the image of an underground passageway with a dangling ceiling lamp. The slow pace of the narration, almost suspended in time, causes the viewer to focus on the image itself. The meditative rhythm of the frozen-frame video and, especially, the tension between movement and stillness refer us to a different temporality and memory animated by the memory of the image on screen

Karska and Went have been working together since their studies at the Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts. Authors of photographs, installations, films, public-space projects, they situate their practices on the fringes of the dominant visuality. Their works are often made almost ‘out of nothing’ and deal with usually ignored areas of reality. In their earlier works they addressed the psychological aspects of experiencing space and architecture. A frequent theme of their practice were deserted, ‘decommissioned’ spaces.