Bilingual publication
Publication year: 2016
Pages: 151
Price: 60 40 PLN
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The catalogue accompanying the‘Procedures of the 70s Art’ exhibition presents first performative actions of Polish artists of late 1960s and next decade. It collects photographic and video documentation as well as descriptions and commentaries, that offer an insight into practices of radical artists, situated outside of the official art circulation of that time, but considered classics of the neo-avantgarde.
Actions by Włodzimierz Borowski, Wojciech Bruszewski, Andrzej Dłużniewski, Jarosław Kozłowski, KwieKulik, Natalia LL, Andrzej Matuszewski, Andrzej Partum, Ewy Partum, Józef Robakowskieg, Jerzego Rosołowicz, Warsztat Form Filmowej oraz Krzysztof Wodiczko are interpreted by Luiza Nader within the perspective of the “performative turn”, with an emphasis on questions of creative autonomy of the PRL period.