Bilingual publication
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 92
Soft cover
Price: 30 20 pln
Order by e-mail: profile@fundacjaprofile.pl
The catalogue shows works of Irena Kalicka from years 2009-2016 accompanied by an essay of Krzysztof Pijarski „Horrors and Humours , or, On the Work of Irena Kalicka”.
„The art of Irena Kalicka is not just about the wanton or even lewd rollicking of audaciously amused classmates — the boys and girls actually cry sometimes, just as the bearded brides cannot avoid being compared to ‘foolish geese′. The tricks also include a plastic dragon, and picturesque ruins, processed in Photoshop, beguiling the eye with their ambiguity, their already-proverbial ‘attraction and repulsion′. The photography of Irena Kalicka is about more than the ambiguity of the visible, and includes the ambivalences it disguises — temptations that can be worth confronting.”
Bożena Czubak
Part of the introduction to the catalogue „Irena Kalicka”