video: 4:01 
photo: Magdalena Golon
music: Marcin Zieliński

Unwanted architecture also constituted subject of their later video “Stagiewna 45” (2004). Stšgiewna mentioned in the title is one of the historical streets of the Gdańsk Old Town. On one side of the Stagiewna Street there is a row of stylised tenements, while the other one, with number 45, opens onto the destroyed Wyspa Spichrzów. Karska and Went take care of the abandoned facade – all that was left from the building. They paint the wall in accordance with original colours which they found under layers of scraped off plaster, while their moves are followed by astonished gazes of passers-by. The artists dressed in white coveralls look like nurses – another feminine part. Light blue and pink set against the background of sunny sky make the impression of stage scenery while ruins emerge from behind renovated shop window. Alteration is introduced in the next scene – paint covers also the window pane so that the devastated background is no longer visible.