Andrzej Dłużniewski
I Am Asked about Nothing


Bilingual publication

Pages: 388

Illustrations: color

Hard cover

Price:100 80 pln

Multifaceted and employing diverse media, the art of Andrzej Dłużniewski refuses to be pigeonholed. He is known as an author of paintings, drawings, photographs, collages, sculptures, objects, installations, performances as well as literary forms and books. Obvious are his participation in the neo-avant-garde revaluations and conceptualization of art, his affinities with Fluxus, and above all, the twofold affiliation of his practice, pursued in both the field of the visual arts and the literary field.

In his works, Dłużniewski often combined things, images, and words, using them to both specify and differentiate each other. For him, to conceptualize art didn’t mean to theorize or firmly categorize, but rather to problematize, to call seemingly obvious things and matters into question. His works and texts raised questions that he left unanswered. He actually made such open-endedness the essence of his artistic activities, producing multiple versions and linguistic modifications of his works.