from the collection of Stefan Okołowicz and Ewa Franczak

a Latent Capital series exhibition

Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, from a series of twenty one faces, Zakopane

The exhibition Witkacy and Others is held as part of a cyclical programme presenting the most interesting private collections of contemporary and modern art. The programme was initiated in 2010 with the show 20th Century Photography from the Collection of Cezary Pieczyński and is now continued with a presentation of the collection of Stefan Okołowicz and Ewa Franczak.

The exhibition presents a unique collection that includes a large body of photographic work by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, known as Witkacy, as well as works by other photographers active in the 19th and 20th centuries. The main part of the show is devoted to Witkacy, one of the most outstanding fi gures in 20th century Polish art: a novelist and playwright, philosopher and art theoretician, painter, photographer, draughtsman, portraitist; an artist who has long fascinated scholars and the public alike with his persona as a writer and painter, and in more recent years increasingly as a ‘demonic photographer’. Okołowicz and Franczak’s unique collection shows Witkacy as an avid fan of photography, busy both making photographs and collecting them. The exhibition features his famous self-portraits, an illustration of the biographical legend of a ‘great eccentric’; series of photographs in which he transformed into a mime-theatre director and actor, enacting his own look-alikes for the camera; photographic portraits of the artist’s friends, as well as interwar artistic and intellectual celebrities; scenes improvised for the camera, staged by Witkacy and his friends; series of early mountain and sea landscapes, their framing innovative and much diff erent from 19th century conventions; images of train engines; photographs in which the artist experimented with double exposure; and examples of photographic documentation of his own works, including a selection from a large set of about 100 images of his lost drawings. Also on display will be Witkacy’s drawings and paintings.

Besides Witkacy himself, the exhibition presents the work of photographers he worked with: Józef Głogowski, Tadeusz Langier and Mieczysław Choynowski. The context of photographic practices contemporary to Witkacy has been expanded to include photographs from his home region. Witkacy’s early landscapes from the Tatra mountains are juxtaposed with Tatra landscapes by Stanisław Bizański, Awit Szubert or Stanisław Krygowski. Photographs from the Witkiewicz family archive — some of the earliest examples of Polish photography — serve as introduction to the show. A large collection of portraits and self-portraits by Witkacy is presented next to portraits of him by other photographers. The famous Multiple Portrait is shown in the company of several other multiple portraits from the early 20th century.

Józef Głogowski, Zofia Głogowska in costume of Rita Sachetto’s ballet school 1927

Accompanying the selection from the Okołowicz and Franczakʼs collection are anonymous images, examples of photographs from old family albums and of the collectors’ more contemporary fascinations. The exhibition is the fi rst major presentation of this collection and the second proposition in the Latent Capital series, a project aimed at demonstrating the symbolic capital of contemporary private collections of art.

Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz — Professor Pulverston, Zakopane

Curators of the Project Latent Capital: Bożena Czubak, Andrzej Paruzel

Curator of the exhibition Witkacy and Others. From the Collection of Stefan Okołowicz and Ewa Franczak: Bożena Czubak, Stefan Okołowicz

Cooperation: Konrad Pyzel

Curatorial Assistant: Maja Kokot