Irena Kalicka – Goosebumps

Irena Kalicka, from the series Goosebumps, 2014, photography, 80 x 80 cm

Irena Kalicka’s new photographic series is a collection of images showing white geese next to white-clad figures that bring to mind wedding photos where young brides pose in ceremonial white dresses. But Kalicka’s brides are usually not maidens at all but rather bizarre figures with beards sticking out from under breezy veils, with faces hidden under thick layers of make-up or frozen in mask-like grimaces. Bearded, muscular, tattooed or dollyish in their ceremonial dresses and fin-de-siècle laces and tulles, the brides trigger off a chain of associations, a mix of diverse cultural codes, from romantic elations to perverse excitations. Part of this queer masquerade-in-white are the strolling geese. Their group portraits defuse the tension of the sentimental-demonic mise-en-scènes that could otherwise give us goosebumps if they gave vent to repressed fantasies.

Irena Kalicka, from the series Goosebumps, 2014, photography, 80 x 80 cm

Irena Kalicka (b. 1986) is a graduate of the Łódź Film School, with a BA in 2010 and an MA in 2013 in the studio of Prof Józef Robakowski. Member of the Strupek collective. Lives and works in Kraków. Solo exhibitions at Pracownia SKI (Kraków Photomonth 2014), Galeria Pauza, As Gallery (both Kraków, 2012). She was featured in Art of Exchange. Józef Robakowski’s Collection (Profile Foundation, Warsaw 2013).

Irena Kalicka, from the series Goosebumps, 2014, photography, 80 x 80 cm

Openings: Friday, 26th of September 2014, 17:00-21:00

Galleries open: Saturday-Sunday, 27th-28th of September 2014, 12:00-18:00

