Beginning in 1971, the series of  “Astral Photography”, was conceived as a parody of the language of conceptual art. The photography based works was accompanied by a pseudo-scientific tract written based on the agglutination of lies and absurdities regarding a new method of creating photography performed by putting a negative against one’s forehead.

Some time ago (exactly in 1970 – 1973) I – in spite of all conceptual artists – occupied myself with transgressing various kinds of creational notions that became manifest thanks to our imagination. I was able then, releasing consciously energetic emision of fluido-magnetic radiation, to obtain freely configured photographic astral images.

So I had been recording with great passion images of our thoughts, emotional exultations, portraits of presumed friends and narrative images of real or fictitious events …

Józef Robakowski, 1973

Self-Portrait (obtained using the forehead method), from the Astral Photography series, 1972

Fluidoist Shape (right) and the Actual One, from the Astral Photography series, 1972

The Spassky-Fisher Match (image obtained using the forehead method), from the Astral Photography series, 1972

 Self-Portrait in Absinthe Fumes, from the Astral Photography series, 1972