Modal Drawings, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań, 1975

from the Facts series, 1976

1 + 4 Strokes lub 4 + 1 Stroke, Galerie René Block, Berlin, 1979

Post-Object Drawings, Wielka 19 Gallery, Poznań, 1980

Points, Krzysztofory Gallery, Kraków, 1971

Lines 1978, Galerie 38, Kopenhaga, 1979

Drawing Facts, Galerie 38, Kopenhaga, 1979

Wall Sculptures V–IX, Galerie S:t Petri, Lund, 1979

Object Drawings, Galerie Vor Ort, Hamburg, 1980

Weight Drawings, 1980

Object Drawings, Piwna 20/26 Gallery, Warszawa, 1980

Transmission of the Exhibition, Foto-Medium-Art Gallery, Wrocław, 1980

Annexation of the Gallery, Krzysztofory Gallery, Kraków, 1980

Caledonian road series, Matt’s Gallery, Londyn, 1980

Reconstruction of the Exhibition, Foto-Medium-Art Gallery, Wrocław, 1981

Easy Drawings, Matt’s Gallery, Londyn, 1982

Easy Deawings II, Piwna 20/26 Gallery, Warszawa, 1983

Light-And-Shade Drawings And Their Pictures, Galerie Kanal 2, Kopenhaga, 1983

Triptychon, Kampnagelfabrik Halle 36, Hamburg, 1983

3–153, Zakład nad Fosą, Wrocław, 1984

Wall-paper drawings, Kastrupgårdsamlingen, Kopenhaga, 1985

Caledonian road series II, Sprengel Museum, Hanower, 1986

Fata morgana, Galerie Gruppe Grün, Brema, 1986

Cover your face, Archipel, Apeldoorn, 1989

Red-Blue, Arsenał Gallery, Białystok, 1994

Line Paper or Paper Lined, R Gallery, Poznań, 2001

Squared Paper or Paper Squared,        R Gallery, Poznań, 2001

Facts 1976, Contemporary Art Gallery Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków, 2009